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Change of Electric Meter

Ayuntamiento de Istán
Ayuntamiento de Istán  •  • 952 869 603

Ayuntamiento de Istán


Change of Electric Meter

It is an obligation for all electricity companies to replace analogue meters with new telemetry meters by the end of 2019.

The distributor will be responsible for sending a notice in advance so that if you prefer, is present at the time you manage the change and thus analyze which was his last reading on the old meter and proceed to billing.

The change of meter is completely free, as it is the distributor who is responsible for making all the arrangements. So they can never ask you for money to make the change. This new change brings improvements to homes:

  • The new counters are more accurate than the old ones
  • No more estimated readings, so you will always be invoiced in real time.
  • You will be able to choose which tariff and power to contract.
  • The consumer information will be more accurate and we can always have access to it.

Opposing the change of the light meter means going against the law, which entails a series of effects for the user.

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