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Family and Disability - Learning to Live Together

Ayuntamiento de Istán
Ayuntamiento de Istán  •  • 952 869 603

Ayuntamiento de Istán


Family and Disability - Learning to Live Together

--- On Friday, October 18 at 9:30 in the center of Day will be held the workshop "Learning to live together."
of the Antonio Guerrero Foundation in collaboration with the Istán school and town hall.

The objective is the acquisition of useful tools for the emotional management of all families along with those that have minors in their womb with some type of developmental disorder (language disorders, learning, TDHA ...).

We encourage you to come and participate, inclusion is everyone's thing !!

For any questions you can contact the techniques 658229421 and 644900174___

9:30 horas
Centro de Día