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IV Multiadventure villa of Istán, II Test of the provincial orientation circuit of the Deputation of Malaga

Ayuntamiento de Istán
Ayuntamiento de Istán  •  • 952 869 603

Ayuntamiento de Istán


IV Multiadventure villa of Istán, II Test of the provincial orientation circuit of the Deputation of Malaga

Next Sunday, January 26, we have the IV multi-adventure village of Istán for orientation orientation.

Reception: From 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Departures: From 10:00 to 12:30. Runners who complete the race must start before 11:00.

Registration: Until Wednesday, January 22 at 22:00, filling out the form that will be available at
the Web.

Trophies for all categories and top ranked in Istán.

More information at:

We wait for you

9:30 a 12:30