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Ayuntamiento de Istán
Ayuntamiento de Istán  •  • 952 869 603

Ayuntamiento de Istán



  • Calle Azufaifo Viewpoint

    Detailed access It is located at the end of C/Azufaifo, next to the health centre. Stunning views Impressive views of the Molinos River which descends in...

  • Centre for Telematic Resources - Guadalinfo

    Istán has a centre for access to the NNTT (Internet) which simultaneously serves as an alphabetisation and IT facilitator for the population.  This work is carried out...

  • Children's Playground

    It is located in the Tajo Banderas area, close to the Francisca Ruíz Public School and the Municipal Nursery.  It complies with current European guidelines and was...

  • Church of San Miguel

    Located in the square, the San Miguel Church is, after the Escalante Tower, the oldest building in the town.  Erected in 1505 by order of the archbishop of Sevilla Mr...

  • Civil Defence

    Telephone: 670031292 E-mail: