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Ayuntamiento de Istán
Ayuntamiento de Istán  •  • 952 869 603

Ayuntamiento de Istán



  • Cultural and Monumental Heritage

  • Cultural Week

    At the beginning of September, Istán offers a cultural week with a wide range of activities for residents and visitors, amongst which of note are: Talks...

  • Day Centre

    The Day Centre for the elderly is located in Calle San Miguel, next to the square. This centre gives service to its users through the Social Well-being area of the Town Hall of...

  • Departments

    Mayor, Culture and Education, Festivities, Comunications and Tourism, Urbanisations : Secretariat: Administration...

  • Easter

    The celebration marked by the Christian tradition of representing the passion and death of Jesus, has two manifestations in Istán which give it its own unique...